Split System Heating

Split System Heating

Split Systems can be used for both cooling and heating in different living and working situations.

Split systems comprise 2 main components – a smaller unit located inside  with the larger condenser unit located outside. When the system is set to warm, the cool air from inside is taken by the fan unit, removing the excess cold and circulating warmer air back into the room. 

Features of split systems include:

  1. Maximising floor space in a room having a small head section – generally high up on the wall and out of the way, with the larger unit located outside.
  2. The systems come with combined heating/cooling unit, so this can be the complete heating solution for your home.
  3. Larger systems can support multiple head units in different rooms, providing variable control. A cost effective option where you only heat the rooms you use.
  4. Having the compressor unit outside means the inside head unit can be extremely quiet and uninstrusive.
  5. Split systems are available in a wide range of sizes for a wide range of environments. 
  6. With a large selection of systems available, we are able to recommend a system which meets strict environmental and safety standards.